The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tastes Like Chicken

It seems education is not what it used to be. Back when I was a kid (and it is not that long ago - although my hair has decided to abandon my scalp) everyone knew the story of "Chicken Little" and his sad fate in the den of Foxy Loxy.

So imagine my suprise when I discover that none of my highly educated medical colleagues had ever heard of the real story behind Disney's cartoon. The movie itself was very funny (which is good cos I had some hesitations about Disney once they parted with the Pixar-powerhouse) but they totally destroyed the original story.

So for those of you who may not have been educated about the real story of Chicken Little, let me enlighten you:

It starts off when Chicken Little has an acorn fall on his head one day. He has an existential crisis and believes that the sky is falling on his head and decides to trundle off to his nearest sovereign to warn him of the impending danger. As he goes along he meets a variety of feathered friends such as "Henny Penny", "Ducky Lucky", "Goosey Loosey" and "Turkey Lurkey" who obviously had a thing for rhyming names. They all decide that a fowl road trip is in order and join him in aimlessly journeying to warn the King about the falling sky. Then they meet a pretty smart animal called Foxy Loxy who says he knows the way to the King's place. Chicken Little mindlessly accepts his invitation and Foxy Loxy leads them into his den and promptly eats them all... The End... (I'm serious!)

Now of course Disney can't allow such animal cruelty in one of their movies anymore (nevermind the horror of Bambi's mother being shot) so they instead twist this classic children's horror story into a comedy about alien invasions and throw in some fat pigs and goldfish to make it an all round old-fashioned fun movie. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that; but puh-lease Disney... resist the urge to sugar coat every children's story and give it a happy ending! Cos by the way the original Little Mermaid doesnt get the guy in the end!

That said... it was a good movie and we topped it off with a nice meal at Eastgardens and did some phone shopping with my pseudo-ex-wife-C (maybe I'll explain how that works in another post)

Thankfully today is less hotter than yesterday (it hit 45 degrees - the hottest day in Sydney since 1939) and so milk is not such a bad idea (cf. "Anchorman - the legend of Ron Burgundy")


At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

none?!! no.. i'm afraid you didn't do your research very thoroughly, at least one of your esteemed colleagues did know the story of Chicken Little even if her memory would not have allowed her to recount the story as eloquently as you have done.
As for the true ending, I guess it helps to forget such horrific details if you want a sequel which is what Hollywood or at least Disney is all about.


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