The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Service with a Smile

Last night the old Uro intern C and myself were treated to dinner by our registrars.

We decided to start the night off with some drinks at the pub-next-to-the-Zoo and then made our way down the road to a nearby Lebanese restaurant for 'the Banquet' option.

It looked good. Lots of food and nice atmosphere... but all that came to a crashing halt when the rather inexperinced waitress manged to tip the tabouli all over me and my work bag.

This led to a number of comments about the waitress being nervous around me and therefore having some sort of attraction towards me (pfft!)

However this hypothesis became a theory when she later almost spilt another dish when she was leaning over my shoulder and so we concluded either it was her first night or something about me was causing her to flip and lose her cerebellar fine control and have dysdiadokinesis (just wanted to use that word cos its so cool)

It was very intersting to see the reg's outside of work. Most of the dinner conversation revolved around the topic of urine and humerous anecdotes abounded (like seriously... even 3 yr olds can laugh about wee).

I must say I am very thankful for my reg's. My expereince of surg regs as a student was not always favourable (ie the "unit" who failed me in my last term of medical school in plastic surgery... grrr!) but theese 2 are really nice in different ways. Dr P alwasy stands up for me if I'm being given crap by other teams or staff and will support me on my decisions (if they are well made) and Dr C offers me cake when I'm pulling my hair out in frustration (I'm serious... she went and fetched me a piece of cake.. how nice is that?)

I was initally having great fears about being hammered by my surgical regs and cowering in fear as they told me off. But these 2 have been very understanding (esp cos I was coming from psych) and are always fun to talk to. So it was really nice to have a meal with them and just 'bond' (if surgical regs can ever be said to 'bond')

The deepest the conversation ever got all night was the following existentialist question (which I think really captures the deep issues in life):

"If you owned a restaurant, what food would you serve and what would you call it?"*

* the restaurant next door to where we were eating is owned by our Professor and hence the random topic


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