The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Yesterday my mate M left on his medical school elective.

He's off to Kenya to go play jungle doctor and see the world.

As I took him (and his farewell entourage) to the airport, it brought back memories.

The airport holds do many memories for me.

Seeing my sister off with the family as she left for the US for 2 years.
Picking up my overseas uni friends when they return from holidays.
Nervously waving Sydney goodbye as I took my first trip overseas when I went on my elective to Taiwan.
Excitedly hugging MC this year when I saw her walk out of customs.
The shed tears at the departure gates when MC left with part of me going with her too.

It's been 2 years now since my elective and it still holds such fond memories in my heart (and always will). The wonder of seeing the 'novel'. The smell of Asia. The greenery of the tropics. The humidity and palpable vibrancy in the air. The buzz of speaking another language.

To be honest I learnt no medicine whatsoever during my 2 months in Taiwan. But I learnt an awful lot about life. I think going somewhere completely foreign and isolated was an awesome idea. You are forced to go out of your comfort zone and live life to the fullest.

As I saw M walk to catch his plane, I saw a flashback and knew that when he
returned, he would understand.

Good luck and safe travels M!


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