The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Last Friday had my first medcial job interview.

Basically had to reapply for my own job which was kinda weird seeing as all I'll be doing next year is the same as what I'm doing this year*

At first I wasn't that nervous as I expected that most people would get back in to The Zoo. However as the time drew closer for our date with destiny, people began to flip out. Interns began to gather in huddles to discuss rumours of selection criteria. Unofficial gossip from the JMO office began to strike fear in otherwise sane people. Panic set in and the fight or flight response cranked itself up.

When the day itself dawned, people started showing up for work dressed in suits and looking sharp. And one by one, interns started filing into the admin offices to face the firing squad.

The first few trickled back to the wards sounding mildly confident with the process, however this did little to allay the fears of those still to go. As the day progressed the tension eased slightly and at 2pm I put my suit jacket on, straightened my pink tie** and walke dup to the interview room. I bumped into the formerly fat/pregnant intern who was on maternity leave and we nervously made small talk about her baby whilst internally freaking out about our upcoming interrogation.

So finally they called my name and I walked up the long corridor to face my destiny.

"Welcome Dr J, please take a seat..."

Question 1 - Tell us 3 reasons why you believe you are the best candidate for the position.
I rattled off some rubbish about communication, organisational skills and clinical competence totally feeling self-conscious about 'selling myself'.

Question 2 - Clinical scenario about an unconscious guy on the ward.
Usual ABCs and as soon as I mentioned I'd do a blood sugar level they were happy to move on.

Question 3 - If you've had a really bad day at work, what do you do afterwards?
What the?? What a stupid question! "Well sir, I like to raid the nearest S8 cupbaord and steal some hard core drugs and then I go get high whilst on call" I mumbled something about having dinner with fellow colleagues to gather their input into how to deal with situations. Bah!

Overall I think I did well. Talking confidently in these kinda things and exams is something I've always had little trouble with. Only time will tell if this intern will be able to come back to the Zoo next year. Fingers crossed eh?

* With the minor exception that I will finally be able to write outside scripts and deal drugs to people who aren't in hospital.
** Pink ties are cool. Or at least the nurses keep telling me so. Hehe


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Jess Joseph said...

I really know how you feel about interviews. At least you only had to attend one. I've been going for one practically every week for the last few weeks & I still haven't got any offers. :(

But I understand what you mean aboue "selling youself" & I really dislike it. They ask questions about my career objectives & I can't reply that i don't think it's all that important. They won't be too impressed if I reveal too much about what I really feel.

But I'm still praying that God will provide a job wherever He wants me to be. I'm sure you did ok in yours. Just keep focusing on the godly reasons why you're working. That's the thing that's keeping my motivated at the moment. :)


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