The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Monday, August 21, 2006

You can call me Reg... (from next year)

Ok... must apologise for not writing in 2 weeks. My bad.

But to be fair, it's been very busy so I'll make up for it with a highlights package from the last fortnight.

So I finished my week of nights at 9am Monday morning and raced home to get ready for my trip. However in the mail that morning I received a letter from the GP training people asking me to come in for an interview sometime in the next 2 weeks.

I called them up to ask if I could arrange the interview for the following week (seeing as I was about to leave on my holiday) but they said the onyl time I could have my interview was THAT day at 1pm.

So in a mad scramble I rebooked my flight (costing me more $$) and had a haircut/shave/shower and tried to prepare myself for the interview in 2 hours time. I raced over to the interview and somehow stumbled through the questions (still having not slept since my night shift had finished) and apologisd to them for being so incoherent. Thankfully the sleep deprivation made me less nervous and made me ramble more (which is always good for a GP cos they are supposed to be big on communication etc etc)

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I got a letter last Friday saying that I've been accepted into GP training for the future which means if all goes well I only have 18 months left in the hospital system!

I dunno if I'll make a good GP or whatever, but I think it's definitely about the lifestyle for me. I just am not cut out for 7am starts (thereby ruling out surgery) and I cannot contemplate physicians training (cos I'd need to be admitted to a psych ward with acopia) and so I think GP is a great balance where I can work part time (or not at all) and pursue other (more meaningful) things in life.

On the topic of work, we had to reapply for our jobs last week which is such a pilonidal abscess (pain in the bum). Going around and begging people for references, writing CV's and cover letters and answering stupid 'job criteria' is such a waste of time. I feel so arrogant and conceited writing this rubbish about myself that I don't truly agree with. It's really uncomfortable trying to 'sell yourself' to employers. And it's futile too seeing as most public hospitals re-employ their own.

Oh well, 18 Months and counting...


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