The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I was set up I tell you!

Today I was cruising around my hood in my homie style scrubs just chillin with Reg P when my pager went off.

I picked up the phone and dialled the foreign number.

"Uh, is that Dr J? Dr C your registrar asked if you can come to the Private Hospital Theatres to provide an extra pair of hands for Boss D who's operating"

I put the phone down and tore off down the maze of corridors to assist my Boss.

Dr J to the rescue! I had never been called to 'assist' in the private hospital before! Usually this is a privilege reserved only for the registrars.

I flew into the OT feeling kinda out of place in my pale shabby blue scrubs whilst everyone else was wearing neatly pressed dark navy blue private hospital scrubs. Oh well.

I donned the ninja-like face mask and entered thru the anaesthetic bay doors ready to scrub in for the awaiting surgery.

"Oh hi J" said Dr C looking up from her small paediatric operating field, "It turns out we don't need you after all... but while you're here you might as well stay and watch the surgery"

Kinda disappointed, kinda relieved I stayed to watch some kid get her urological plumbing rewired to stop her refluxing.

However half way through the operation my registrar started twitching her head sideways whilst staring at me.

Not sure if she was having a sore neck or some kind of choreoathetotic seizure disorder I just ignored it. But then she kept staring at me and nudging her head as if pointing to something of interest. I looked to the direction of her flailing head and noticed a girl dressed in scrubs looking kinda out of place in the OT (newbies always stand out by their timidness and standoffishness from the action) I glanced back at my reg and shurgged my sh0ulders not quite sure what she was referring to about this girl.

However my reg kept persisting in flicking her head until I finally went up and asked the girl "Hi I'm J the Urology intenr, who are you?"

Turns out she was a research student from my old uni who was investigating the pharmacotransmitters in the bladder (yes rivotting stuff I know!). At this point as I was talking to her I saw my reg give me a big 'thumbs up' discreetly and grin behind her surgical mask.

I gave the reg back an evil greasy glare.

After some small talk with the research student, the operation finished. She collected her specimens and went home whilst I waited for the reg outside the theatre.

"Dr C you are in sooo much trouble!"

"So Dr J, what did you think? The anaesthetist thinks you should go for it too!"

"Hang on, I've only just met her and for all I know she may already have a boyfriend..."

"No she doesn't... we've already found out for you... and she'll be here every Tuesday and Thursday... want us to page you everytime she's here so you can help us operate?"

I felt so used!


At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha, um, i'm wondering about her,um, ethnic background, and therefore her chances with you. haha


At 6:18 PM, Blogger esmephelia said...

so? the story's not finished!!
ARE you gonna be there every tuesday/thursday?? hahah what a great reg you have!...


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