The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Research Girl Part 2

Time: Early Thursday afternoon
Place: My ward
What: Pager goes off. Intern answers his page. Reg calling from theatre. "We've got another operation you NEED to come to... the ball's in YOUR court this time." [click]
End transmission.

Time: 20 minutes later
Place: Paediatric operating theatres
What: Consultant and reg hunched over small child dissecting ureters to prevent reflux. Attractive young blonde research assistant known to intern standing in corner looking bored. Enter intern, who is given smirk from reg beneath her surgical mask. Intern walks over to aforementioned research girl and begins to ask trivial questions in order to establish rapport.
Reg and boss start muttering in low hushed tones that intern cannot discern. After 15 minutes of light conversation, intern is called to scrub in and help close up the wound. Blonde girl comes over to continue conversation with intern and registrar. Post-op intern has to leave to admit patient whilst reg is left with research girl.

D/W Reg later that day. "Did you put in a good word for me?" "There was no need to J, she was already taken with you! Haha!" Intern turns red at this point.

"Oh and the boss said if you stuff this up, he'll fail you on this term...
No pressure or anything!"

NB in response to many questions raised by previous post:
1) nurse was NOT attractive and already 'had a man'
2) research assistant looked very attractive but then again, surgical scrubs and masks can hide many flaws.
3) Reg C is married.


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