The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Friday, September 29, 2006

At the movies... with Dr J

Got roped into seeing "The Devil wears Prada" with some other doctors recently.

At first I was ready to snooze, thinking it would be a chick flick that would hardly sustain my attention span. However I actually found myself staying awake till the very end.


Cos for some strange reason I identified with it. It resonated with my experience.

No, not cos I'm somehow fashionlably endowed or into girls magazines, but because the hierarchical competite world it portrayed reminded me of medicine.

I wont spoil the story too much, but it portrays an ordinary girl working for a fashion mag who ends up changing her personality to survive and in the end wonders if it's all worth it. In the end she decides it's not and throws her phone into a fountain in Paris and frees herself from the suffocation of her identity by her job.

I watched her scurry in front of her boss to grab things and make deadlines and saw my own ward work on the big screen. What Prof wants... Prof gets!

Time after time the girl on the screen missed important parts of her friend's and family's lives because she was stuck to her work and couldn't leave. I felt my own guilt at the times I've stood friends up for dinner (even this week) because of work.

I feel like sometimes work is turning me into someone I don't like. Someone I don't want to be.

Maybe I should throw that pager into the nearest fountain? Maybe I should reclaim 'me'.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger alwinc said...

Hey Bro,

I know what you mean. I found that I was kissing heaps of butt and running around to keep my bosses happy.

I think one of the best things I did was to go contract because I'm nobody's footstool.

If I don't want to work... I just don't get paid. The relationship is purely a function of time and money. That's what work really is!

All the politics of kissing ass to hopefully get a big promo/bonus... just goes out the window.

Keep it simple and say it as it is... I do time, you give me money. End of story.

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog J. Honestly, it's so refreshing! :) I've felt that way before too. In my job, we were pretty much expected to be martyrs. All I can say is that I appreciate uni life so much more this time around!



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