The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Nurses, Nutcases and Nocturnal-Surgery

Today I was walking back form lunch when I bumped into an old highschool friend I hadn't seen in years. We were really good friends in high school and she even dated my best mate for a bit. Anyways, when we were in high school we used to talk about our dreams for the future and whilst I wanted to be a doctor, she wanted to be a nurse. We always joked that one day we would start up a clinic together and she could work for me. Well it seems 7 years later we've both achieved what we initially hoped for. She's now a nurse at The Zoo and I'm now a docotor at the Zoo. It's kinda cool to think that your high school 'aspirations' can actually come true. She hasn't changed a bit and definitely puts the pharmacy chick to shame (sorry Big D).

At the moment I am being stalked by one of my patient's families. He is a NESB* who keeps coming back to ED complaining of urinary retention even thoguh we've explained to him it's due to his straining from constipation. So everyday we have this huge discussion with him about why he's not peeing and what to do to and yet somehow he doesnt get it. His family (all 17 billion of them) keep asking the same questions and demanding to speak personally with the consultant (they're public patients! they dont GET to see him!) amd generally making my life hell.
Today his daughter in law grilled me nonstop and kept ranting and raving for 20 minutes whilst I got earbashed by her and then my reg finally caleld her back to 'keep her informed'. Then 20 minutes later I was accosted by a different daughter who was extremely passive aggressive and enquiring as to whether I had been to medical school at all (and yet she hersefl was an expert cos she was a 'natural remedy' practitioner - pff!)

I find myself slinking around my own ward tryign to avoid them as much as possible. They make my life hell and for no good reason. Argh!

Other than that, work has improved the last few days. Have managed to go to theatre a fair bit and fly around in my blue scrubs looking like a real doctor. Did an overtime last night and cruised through and even managed to assist with an appendicectomy (was on call for theatres) and make it out relatively on time. My reg said I'm doing okay and he's offering to shout me lunch tomorrow (which I think is a good sign?)

One of my mates from med school says I prob care too much... I think he's right. I just can't dissosciate myself and 'switch off'... I've tried to supress my altruism but somehow I DO feel responsible for them. It's one thing to not care, but it's another thing to get over invovled...

*Non-English Speaking Background - a particular breed of patient that are just horrible to deal with due to huge extended famillies and poor communication/'cultural' issues.


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