The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Viva Viagra!

After 11 weeks of strutting my stuff in the OT the time came to take off the blue clothes and don the stethescope once more.

It was an emotional farewell with my team as I filled the last discharge summaries and finally got my patient list down to 2 (thats right, I didnt get to enjoy the fruits of my labour!) and even got a peck on the cheek from a rather oldish nurse in the Urology department (Ewww!)

For our final team meeting we were graced with the presence of the Pfizer drug rep which can mean only 1 thing!

Free Viagra trinkets! Yay!

I had been waiting all term to score some cool Viagra stuff and they didn't disappoint. Got some of the high quality pens emblazoned with the big "V" symbol and they pulled out free 'erect' staplers. But the crowning jewel in their wares was the Viagra stamped dinner plates. Who needs fine china when one has a bright red dinner plate with a picture of a tiger in the middle and the drug name splashed all around the perimeter? I was ecstatic! I took two! Like seriously? Who is actually gonna own up to using a Viagra dinner plate? Haha

I had my end of term interview with the boss who wrote that I was "a pleasure to work with" (ie I didn't stuff up too badly) and managed to con my registrars into giving me references.

I sadly said farewell to the now-not-entirely-100%-evil and exited the Urology ward for the last time.

I'll miss the relative small patient load.

I'll miss the super-friendly surgical regs and their antics (I'm already finding myself becoming like one reg who was eternally frustrated with slow or annoying patients)

I'll miss the escapism of 'going to theatre' and avoiding my pages.

I'll miss having almost complete medical control over my surgical patients.

I wanna go back to Urology!!!! Argh!


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