The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Results...

Every experiment is designed to test out a hypothesis.

It contains an aim, methods and results followed by a conclusion.

An every experiment must have an end in mind.

Sometimes that end is brought about when the results clearly indicate the hypothesis being valid or invalid without requiring further validation.

This happens quite often in medical practice when a certain therapy is clearly better or worse than another and it is immeadiately stopped so as to be ethical.

And so it is with some relief/catharsis that I can reveal the preliminary results of "The Intern Experiment"

Aim: To determine what Dr J should do with the rest of his life.

Methods: Trial being a medical intern in order to ascertain whether or not Dr J should continue down the path of medical practice.

Results: 3/4 of the way through the experiment, the subject decided to terminate the trial at the end of 2007 and leave his current vocation citing 'other priorities'.

Conclusion: Dr J will cease in 14 months to be a doctor (at least temporarily) whilst he considers a new experiment trialling out full time Christian ministry for 2 years.

After much thinking and praying and talking with others over the past 5 years, I have decided to take a break (possibly temporarily, most likely permanent) from medicine and spend my days work telling people about Jesus and spending my time and energy 'working for the kingdom'.

Sounds kinda crazy doesn't it? Throwing away a medical education and the world at my feet? Maybe even a little immature? Living a poorer life in order to 'brainwash' people with the Bible?

Or maybe its not? Maybe there IS something more to life that medicine doesn't quite get. Maybe the priorities of this world are not going to last. And maybe... just maybe... it is time.

Time to stop sticking our fingers up at the one who made us. Time to stop blaming him for the way we stuff up the world and our relationships. Time to pull our head in and listen to him. Time to meet this man called Jesus and realise he is the Ruler and the Judge of this world.

I know some of you will say "About time Dr J!" and other of you will shake your heads and say "What a waste!" Ultimately though, I have to explain my life not to you readers/friends out there... but to Him. And can I urge you to at least listen to what he says before you dismiss him?

And so the next 14 months I will continue to experiment with medicine, but only as a way to earn some money and save up for the years ahead.

For the one who saved my life by his death.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Martyn said...

Right on brother, right on!!
May His force be with you, always. =)

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our callings come in different forms. You have been given the gift of the education of the healer not by luck but by design

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't know if you read these comments if made so late.
As a med student in my final yr I respect your courage in leaving med. As a completely non-religious Asian chick it's not the Jesus bit I admire, rather the knowledge your time may be better spent elsewhere- something a lot of doctors feel but don't usually go ahead with-hope that makes sense. Best of luck to you Dr J!


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