The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mehhhhh (tales from Whoop Whoop Hospital)

Just finished day 2 of being an intern...

and yeah... I've been super slack in not bloggin until now (primarily because I wanted to make sure I preserved the quality of the blog and not fill it up with random stuff when I was too tired to think about what to type - but then I realised I'm gonna always be tired so what the heck)

I'm sooo tired... and I'm doing the bludgy term too (psychiatry)! One of my fellow 'terns got home at 9:30pm last nite... and she's pregnant! I felt so bad that I had been off since 3:30pm... what is this thing called internship? If I had known just how much work (especially paperwork) it would involve I prob would have done Arts at uni.

Today I met King Arthur...apparently King Arthur lives in Whoop Whoop and is THE true king of England (sorry Lizzie, your time is apparently up!) and he decided to assault some peoplw with a plank of wood and tell us about how he needed to use the nuclear deactivation codes to protect his kingdom.

Almost had an MI (heart attack) when one of my patients started choking and the nurse called out my name and I suddenly realised I was supposed to do something. As I started to vasoconstrict with the adrenaline pouring out of my adrenal glands; I began to realise I had no idea what to do... but then it was a false alarm. Thank God for that!

The cool thing about Psychiatry is that it's not that busy (even though we have a full house of patients) so I always finish on time and I even got to see a suspected tertiary neurosyph case (that's pretty rare for you non-med ppls)

Whoop Whoop itself is pretty humid. Thankfully we have lots and lots of aircon so I feel like I'm in Singapore again. The 'terns all stay in one big house near the hospital and it's pretty cool. It's like living in college again except the downside is no internet access so I'll have to use the hospital's computers.

Anyways, tonight I shall go home and backwrite a whole lot of blogs about 'stuff'...

To all the fellow interns out there... I feel your pain... and if it all gets too much for you... have a breakdown... imagine some voices in your head and come pay me a visit in the psych dept...

"So how DOES that make you feel?"


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go the updates!

hahahaha assaulting people with the plank of wood. and where did king arthur get this plank?

people don't need to imagine voices in their head, they just need to listen to the ones that are already there! :D


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