The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dr J's Kitchen

Tonight it's my turn to do the communal cooking.

I have to cook for all the other interns and initally I thought "Hey no big deal" but after last weeks amazing risotto I have big expectations to live up to.

Not to mention I also avoided telling people WHAT I was going to cook for them (mainly cos I had no idea what I was going to cook) which meant that they now think it's some suspiciously fantastic culinary delight.

I'm sure it will not be.

And what's even weirder is that I wont be home to eat with them cos I have Bible study on tonight so I'll be cooking for them and not eating. Will make sure that they don't get food poisoning though... cos otherwise I will have to work when they are sick.

Still not sure what I'll cook them.. but I have to decide in the next 2 hours...

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

What to do!

The terns here make every meal into a topic of discussion... you know... I could be totally socially ostracised if my meal is not up to their standards... I may have to move out of the house! Or could be banned from cooking ever again... argh!

The pressures of living in a house full of over achievers... that's what I hate about med people... they're so darn good at EVERYTHING they do... they all play violoin grade 8 (or higher) and say "I'm no good" and they all topped everything they've ever turned their attention to. It's such a depressing social group... I need high school drop outs around to make me feel better... I need some bogan friends I think!

But first it's off to the kitchen to feed the doctors!



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