The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Advance Australia Fair

Yesterday we got the day off cos it was Australia Day.

It's times like these I am glad I live amongst a nation of bludgers... we get so many public holidays it's not funny.

Decided to go to Byron Bay for the day with the other 'terns/RMOs/Reg's and soak up some UV rays (especially as I will prob never see sunlight this year). Had a nice lunch at a cafe (with some Coca-Cola) and then went swimming in the ocean... waves were pretty ordinary but the water was perfect temperature...

Was great to just hang out with the other doctors and get to know them better too... they're not as weird as one might have expected/feared...

It really DOES feel like we're on a giant working holiday... surrounded by such nice beaches and with lots of other doctors to hang with.

Supposedly we are all to 'do' something Australian for Australia Day so I can't think of a better way to spend it than wearing thongs and swimming at the beach... this IS the lucky country!

Also managed to watch some 'Lost' last night... omg I can't believe where this story is heading... I'm def hooked on this show and hope it goes on for many more seasons... haha... I know what's in the hatch... and much... much... more... muhahahaha!


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