The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ghosts in the dungeon

I'm mad!

It's now official!

Lock me up and put me on the OTHER side of the glass in the psych ward.

Today my computer was possessed!

There I was sitting at the terminal going to look up some blood results when the mouse kept moving all over the place...

"Dodgy cheap health department equipment!" I thought to myself and dismissed it as faulty cabling. Then when I put the mouse down it began to move again by itself.


Maybe it's one of those optical mouses (without the trackball)? Sometimes they can have faulty wavelengths? So I turned the mouse over to discover it was a trackball type...

Double hmmm...

Then as I went to resume my lab result search on the computer the cursor on the screen began clicking on programs and opening them.

At this point I started pinching myself to make sure I was not losing it. I turned to the security guard (a big bearded beefy bikie) who only let out a cackle when I told him the computer was possessed. The other nurses grinned at me and chuckled too...


Then the possessed machine began opening stuff up and I decided maybe this was some internet virus trying to hack into confidential health department records so every time it opened a program with the cursor I quickly Alt-F4 it closed. But still the cursor flew around the screen trying to open all sorts of programs.

After about 5 minutes of battling this demonic machine I gave up and watched as it log itself off the current user and began typing in new passwords (which of course I couldn't read) and started uninstalling programs. At this point I got very worried that I was never going to be able to check my patient's Lithium levels again.

Then the ward clerk walied into the office and said "Oh yeah, by the way the IT department are going to fix up that computer today... apparently they can control it remotely from their office so don't use it for the next few minutes"

I felt stupid! (for more on possessed computers visit

Watched ER tonight and marvelled at how Abbey managed to pull some random metabolic disease from a history of 'vegetarianism' in a paediatric comatose patient. I would so not think of that! (and neither would 95% of doctors)... I luv watching medical shows... and so do most other interns/med students... how sad is it when we come home from work and watch other people pretend to be doctors... I gotta get out more!

Anyways, today one of my psych patients in the dungeon had myocardial ischaemia (almost-heartattack) and I finally got to do some medicine-like stuff (as opposed to the 'let's-sit-down-and-talk-about-why-those-chickens-want-to-rape-you' stuff) and I was pretty chuffed that I got to diagnose the ST depression on her ECG. ONly problem was the cardio reg is a bum and really reluctant to come to our dungeon (cos we don't have 'real' patients) so after much 'selling' of the patient we scored her a one way trip to the medical ward (which means we can now accept another acutely disturbed person from Emergency)... kinda felt good to put the medical knowledge to use on a sick old lady who I've grown quite fond of in the psych ward.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger josh ... said...

that's a pretty poor "IT department" if they continued using the machine and didn't inform the user that they were performing maintenance.

oh well, i guess that's the only enjoyment they can get compared to the wild lives you doctors ( :D heheh) have.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, that was pretty cool and freeky!



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