The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pizza... oh what fond memories!

Tonight we went out for pizza to farewell the med students...

It's kinda sad cos I didn't really know them that well (cos no one vists us psych people down in the dungeon) but I guess maybe the next lot I can try to talk to or something?

But yeah it's kinda weird... when talking to them there's the obligatory "What med school are you from? What school did you go to? What specialty do you wanna do? Where are you going/did you go on your elective?" and after that... there's not much else... are we doctors THAT sad that we have nothing to talk to each other about outside of med?

Like even in Sydney when we go out... all we do is talk about med... we talk bout the RMO's and the reg's (in particular which ones are 'hot' or have nice hands??) or the funny things the consultants have said or our plans to manipulate the training schemes in order to achieve whatever it is we think we want out of life...

It's like we're social retards or something!

But anyways, dinner was pretty good... had Thai chicken pizza which was really tasty... but unfortunately I think my GI tract is paying for all that cheese now... brings back memories of working 30 hours per week in Pizza Hut during first year med school and eating pizza for dinner every night and feeling sick all the time.

Those were the days... like when we had a mouse in the store and because I was the only non-Indonesian working there I was required to kill the mouse while both the guys and girls stood on the tables and squealed like kiddies.

Or the time that we floured and egged some poor worker on their birthday then chased them into the nearby McDonalds (whilst we were all wearing our Pizza Hut uniforms)

Or the time that we sat on the roof and threw water bombs at unsuspecting customers...

Or the time "Ratboy" and I made up a compilation cassette of "Songs-to-make-pizzas-by"

I miss those days... I felt like I worked a lot harder when I was in the fast food industry and it has kinda made the transition to professional life seem a lot 'easier' physically... (but not mentally - I don't think it requires any neurons to make a pizza... I can STILL tell you what goes on each pizza and in what order and in what amounts)

Ahhh.... enough of this old-timer reminescing... mayeb one day when I make lots of money I can buy my own Pizza Hut franchise and work there for fun on the weekend... hehe!


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