The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I have decided that being on night duty is a perfect oppurtunity to grow some facial hair.

I don't have any consultants to impress and any patients I see are all in the dark anyway so it's only the nurses who have to gaze upon the stubble on my chin.

So far I have a fairly tidy amount of itchy stuff on my chin and am attemtping some neat lambchops (sideburns).

Dr K was suggesting I could grow it for a week and then let the 'terns have a vote as to whether to keep it. However I think we shoudl make this a proper reality TV kinda thing and get you blog readers to put in your opinions and SMS your vote now (you can just leave a comment instead of paying for an SMS you cheapskates! - haha) So get your votes in now for "Goatee Idol"*

I think having facial hair makes me look more scary but less 'babyish' which may be useful seeing as I still look young as an intern even though I'm bald.

Last night I got less sleep because of a rather sick old lady with CCF and APO who was just looking crumbly. After whacking her with Lasix I realised I was gonna have to make a judgement call and call the registrar on call. Now it's never fun to call the night registrar, but particularly so when they are working ALL weekend on call and it's 4am. So reluctantly i paged her and she staggerred into hospital but thankfully I was justified because she later said the lady got sent to ICU so I guess I was vindicated for waking her up (this time!)

Currently drinking: Twinnings Green Apple Green tea (hot) and 2x Coke Zero 375mL cans

Currently listening to: Black Eyed Peas "My Humps" (awful lyrics but such an irritatingly catchy tune)

Currently thinking/procrastinating about : starting my midnight ward round

Currently scratching: my facial hair

*Subject to Terms and Conditions. The promotor accepts no liability for any goats harmed during the production of the above mentioned goatee and as such will not be held liable for any damages. Maximum call cost $0.55. Entrants under 18 years of age need parental permission before entering. Entires close 5pm 17/03/06 and no further correspondence will be entered into. Judges decision is final. Employees of the promoter and their immeadiate families are ineligible to enter. The promotoer reserves the right to ignore all entries and just do whatever the hell he likes with his facial hair.


At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need photos. a before shot and then daily updates (or at least an end of week shot). close ups (to see length of hair) and long shots (for overall effect). preferrably in colour.



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