The Intern Experiment Ninja!

The life of a first year doctor... it's ups and downs and anything else random that happens.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Like really...who needs sleep anyway?

One down... 6 to go!

The first night of nights was extremely good. I did my little rounds at midnight and 6am and even squeezed in a 3 hour nap in between. The onyl mildly difficult/interesting part was when I called a MET call on a guy who was badly desaturating (and even then it was probably only asthma or something)

So fingers corssed the rest of the week shall be of a similar quality.

But instead of being a smart boy and going home and sleeping... I decided to nap for a few hours and then go to Byron with the 'terns for the day.

Dr D invited 2 of her tern frineds from Coffs to come visit and we cruised off to Byron in my car (listening to some very sublime Black Eyed Peas thumping out "My Humps" to all the local homies - oh so fully sick!).

Remembered to put sunscreen on BOTH arms today but still managed to come back with a nose redder than Rudolph the Reindeers. Swam in the lovely Pacific Ocean and ate gelato on the beach. Life really doesn't get better than this... or does it?

We topped the day off by going up to the lighthouse at Byron to watch the sunset with a picnic (wine and cheese) which was very picturesque. I so wish I could have stayed overnight there with the 'terns but unfortunately work beckoned. Grabbed a quick meal with them all before driving back in time for my current night shift.

Thankfully so far so good. The GP who does every 2nd weekend handed over by saying, "There's nothing brewing on the wards"... I like that... I like that a lot! That means hopefully no cannulas or stuff to do!

Had an interesting conversation with Dr K and Dr E today. Somehow the topic of chest hair/baldness came up and Dr E said "Well I married a man with chest hair AND who was bald... and now he's knocked me up!" (referring to her ever expanding belly)... who knows?.. perhaps there's hope for us balding men yet!

Starting to feel the tiredness/pain/abdominal migraine begin to set in from my lack of sleep. The Coke Zero is keeping me functioning... but not much else. Maybe I should put my iPod Shuffle on and dance around the room to keep me moving until my midnight rounds... hmmm????


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